List of 10 Best Web Hosting Sites To Choose For Your Business

There are many web hosting sites which are offering reliable features. But it is really important to have the proper knowledge about the 10 Best Web Hosting Sites. These web hosting providers are reliable and rich in features. These are also affordable web hosting services. You can get to know about the server and network time.

Best web hosting

Reviews of Web Hosting Sites

1. Host Gator: It is in the number one position in the 10 Best Web Hosting Sites. It offers unlimited plans of web hosting service. It is also known for great customer service support. It is the leading web hosting service provider. It has millions of domains which attracts internet traffic. It has almost 12,000 servers. It is also most recognized hosting provider.

2. Just Host: This hosting site provides very cheap hosting plan. It has unlimited space in the web. It is a free web builder with some nice website templates. It is really easy to build. It has an account setup that works instantly. It also has many add-ons that are absolutely free like credits of Ad credits of MySpace, Google Adwords and many more.

3. iPage: This site provides a very cheap and affordable hosting plan. It includes all important things which you may need for setting up and running a website. You can use it easily and quickly. It has advanced tools of website builder of Drag and Drop system. You can also get an online store, photo gallery and blog. It also includes security suite for your PC.

4. Blue Host: It provides a very reliable hosting plan since 1996. It has one of the best customer support systems. It also offers unlimited space in hosting with some advanced features. It has SSH support, Python and Ruby. It is also listed in the top 10 Best Web Hosting Sites. It also offers free domain service and many freebies. It provides free forum install, blog and many more.

5. Web Hosting Hub: This site provides low cost website hosting plan. It also includes very easy hosting service for blog. It provides Joomla Hosting, premium builder tools of website and Drupal Hosting. This site also offers free registration or transfer of domain. You can get 24/7 customer support. The main thing, which makes it in the top 10 Best Web Hosting Sites, is the guarantee of money back within 90 days.

6. Host Monster: It offers unlimited hosting plan. It also supports SSH access, PHP and 1-click installer of scripts. This site also offers extensions of the front page, CGI and cPanel or control panel with MySQL. This provides 24 hours customer support in all 7 days. The customer support system is also very quick.

7. Fat Cow: It is an eco-friendly plan of web hosting. It is the perfect web hosting provider for small business websites and personal sites. It also includes online tools of the store building, shopping cart and SSL Secure Server. This site provides free domain service. You can also easily install WordPress, Joomla and PhpBB. You can also install Adwords credits about $50.

8. WebHosting Pad: This site offers the cheapest plans of web hosting. It has unlimited space in web and bandwidth. There are also many unbeatable free tools and features. This hosting service provides free builder of site. It also creates a very simple website, photo album and blogs. You can contact forms and online store.

9. IX Web Hosting: It also offers very affordable website hosting plan for business. It also has some advanced features which are needed for ECommerce sites. There are also many IP addresses, shared free SSL and Merchant account. It also provides many free domains. This hosting service offers Windows and Linux hosting.

10. This site provides very cheap hosting service for websites. It also offers online builder of website. It provides cheap VPS hosting service and server plans. This service has actually started from 2004. It provides low cost registration services of domain and customer support. This hosting service provides unlimited solutions of domain hosting.

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